diameter: 8 1/2"
height: 2 1/2"
shipping weight: 2lb 1oz (when asking about shipping costs, please don't forget to give me your zip code)
finish: one coat of natural stain then 5 coats of clear flat enamel
COMMENTS: attractive laminations on the left and right are nicely emphasized by the curve of the rim. The middle "Sargent's strips" style worked particularly well on this one. The canary piece at the bottom is a standout, with pretty red stripes. The quartersawn maple in the middle shows very attractive ray flakes. The padauk diagonals at the top of the middle are mirrored by the larger ones above the middle.
I ALWAYS POINT OUT ANYTHING THAT NEEDS TO BE COMMENTED ON. THESE ARE (UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED) THINGS THAT DO NOT DETRACT FROM THE BEAUTY OF THE BOWL, BUT I WANT TO BE SURE I GIVE A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. SO ... in the upper left of the middle, there is a very small stress separation between two pieces of osage orange that makes the joint obviously less than perfect but not very much less, as you can see in the left pic directly below.